Newsletter Februar

Benefit event in Hameln

On March 6th 2016, there will be once again the 7th Tanztheatertage in Hameln with a big benefit event to the Stiftung TANZ. Several soloists, for instance of Hagener Ballett, will show a many sided and high level of ballett with a lot of spectacular dance scenes.

We are looking forward to this wonderful and so helpful support for our work. Great thanks!

Tickets and more information at:…

2016 is “The Year of Dance”

At the beginning of the „Year of Dance 2016” the Bundespräsident (Federal President of Germany) Joachim Gauck will invite the dance scene to the Schloss Belevue under the slogan “Deutschland tanzt” (Germany is dancing) on 19th of February. Numerous representatives from the fields of politics, business and culture are promoting the “Year of Dance” with their statements, among them the Bundestagspräsident (Presiding Officer of German parliament] Dr. Norbert Lammert, actress Senta Berger and musician Herbert Grönemeyer.

More information at:…

Transition Workshop in Stuttgart, March 2016

What happens after your dance career? What can you do besides dance to survive financially? This workshop helps you develop a new career idea. What can excite and challenge you in a future career?

This workshop offers all necessary information for a transition to a new career. All freelance or permanently employed dancers are welcome.

Topics: researching your own competencies & interests, developing visions for the future & planning concrete steps, profiting from others’ experience & networking.
Individual counseling is available that can be continued after the workshop.

Workshop directors: Katrin Kolo, Dipl. Economist, dancer, choreographer and executive consultant, founder of arts-in-business, co-founder of Transition-in-Dance in Munich. Heike Scharpff, project director Stiftung TANZ-Transition Center Germany, Dipl. Psychologist, theater director, co-founder Waggonhalle Marburg, drama therapist.

Own share/cost: 50,- € per participant (Stiftung-TANZ covers travel costs with the train (Bahncard 50/ early booking/ Bahncard 25).

Sunday, March 6th 2016, 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm & Monday, March 7th 2016, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Siemensstr. 11, 70469 Stuttgart.

With kind support from Tanzszene BW & Theaterhaus Stuttgart

More Workshops in this season: July 3th and 4th 2016 in Berlin

The freedom of a clown as an innovative career choice

A clown’s methods of artistic representation are well suited for:

training in the personnel field (motivation training, group forming, dealing with problems, decision-making processes, promoting creativity, etc.);
for work with children and adolescents (anti-aggression training, theater games in a different language, dealing with trauma, etc.);
for support in therapeutic care of the sick and elderly.

The international school for clowns, humor and communication in Constance offers a specialization to become a Gesundheit!Clown®. The educational program takes three years and can be done part-time parallel to a career. It is the first comprehensive education in Europe to become a qualified clown to work in clinics, senior citizen homes as well as institutions for the mentally and physically handicapped. The governmental presidium in Freiburg recognized the Gesundheit!Clown® and the distinction Actor for Clown and Comedy as a new career. An authorization as a career school by the ministry in Stuttgart has been applied for and would thus make it possible to receive BaföG or educational grants.

If you would like to be trained as a Gesundheit!Clown®, you can get information in the context of so-called workshop performances of the Diplom study program Clown & Comedy: Saturday, March of 5th 2016, 8:00 pm, Tamala Center, 78467 Constance, Fritz-Arnold-Str. 23 (industrial area)

More information at:…

Dancers in transition who are interested in the art of clownery and would like to learn more about the field can take part in a workshop, for example at the Clownlabor Berlin from March 11th until 13th 2016.

More information at:

Dance teaching education in Dresden and Frankfurt a.M.

The Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden will be offering the two-year study program Master of Arts Dance Education (M.A.) beginning this year.
Master of Arts Dance Education includes the fields of anatomy/physiology/traumatology, dance and art history. Dramaturgy and pedagogy/psychology are the content of the theoretical/scientific area of knowledge. You can select a study accent. The resulting specialization guarantees a very individual education and thus qualifications profile. In addition, there are internships in the fields of teaching (internship, assistance as well as continual teaching activity), creative processes (choreographic assistance) and organization (rehearsal organization and event coordination). Workshops are also offered with interesting and pioneering dance teachers as guests.

More information at:…

The OFF Theater NRW Frankfurt a.M. allows one to receive a Diplom in dance teaching part-time within two years. Qualification takes place in blocks on weekends and with one intensive module in Meerbusch-Büderich during Easter vacation 2016. The introductory seminar on continued education is on 27th and 28th of February 2016.

More information at:…

When does the Arbeitsagentur finance further education?

Anyone who has sought information about the offers for further career education knows: the market for further education is practically endless. This can make orientation difficult. In addition to questions of:

in what field
for what career perspectives
in what timeframe
with what concrete qualification
one would like to receive further education, the question of financing is one of the most important!

Essential for financing by the Arbeitsagentur (AA) – or in the case of disability by the statutory pension insurance – is whether the respective provider of further education has completed the comprehensive Arbeitsagentur certification procedure. If so, then the Arbeitsagentur provides it with an official administrative certificate. A successful Arbeitsagentur certification is identifiable in the so-called multi-position carrier and course numbers.

Important for research in the flood of offers for further education is also a view towards the phrase “This measure/this further education program is/will be recognized/certified by the Arbeitsagentur (with the following number/under…)”! Only then is it guaranteed that further education costs will be covered by the Arbeitsagentur after a successful case-by-case examination.

Examples of an Arbeitsagentur certification can be found here:……