For a career afterwards

When dancers end their active careers, they then take the skills they attained over many years and enter a society that places more and more value on creativity, spontaneity, discipline and endurance. These are dancers who get involved by formulating what moves us, who learned how to express themselves – and who practiced communication in their art as an essential part of our human identity. This potential should not be wasted. Let us support them with all our energy. And let us get involved to support our dancers in order to support our society.John Neumeier, Director of the Board of Trustees
Our offers
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Information via Telephone and Mail
We are here to answer your questions about a career re-orientation. We give you tips and support for your first steps, and we offer information about funding and grant possibilities. The counseling is confidential.Individual support
We offer you personal counseling to talk about developing a career perspective for the future. Dr. Carolin Eckert, Diplom-psychologist, is available for individual coaching. She accompanies the respective dancer’s individual transition process in discussions. This involves clarifying the existing emotional situation as well as personal interests, competencies and goals. A strengths/weaknesses analysis can be made. Together a concrete time and budget plan is created for a career re-orientation. The counseling is confidential. Please book an appointment or a skype-meeting via e-mail.Stipendium
Gerade auch in diesen Zeiten, in denen einen viele neue Fragen und Unsicherheiten umtreiben, kann es helfen, sich Hilfe, einen Rat oder Unterstützung zu holen. Die Stiftung TANZ bietet professionelle, psychologische Hilfe, für alle TänzerInnen, insbesondere bei Fragen über die eigene Zukunft und der Entwicklung von Perspektiven. Kontaktiert uns gerne um einen ersten Beratungstermin zu vereinbaren. Wir sind für euch da.
Current Posts
Celebrating Success: Tobias Almasi
It is with great joy that we share the inspiring news of our scholarship recipient, Tobias Almasi. Not only is […]
Ballett Kiel benefit performance
Ballett Kiel presents a benefit performance of “Swan Lake” on January 26, 2025, in support of the “Stiftung TANZ – […]
Mourning the death of Kim Ry Andersen
We are deeply saddened to announce that Kim Ry Andersen, a prominent Danish music manager and politician, passed away on […]
Christmas Holidays
Stiftung TANZ wishes everyone happy holidays and a good start into the new year! We are on vacation from […]
(Deutsch) Weiterbildungsseminare für Theaterschaffende
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Sabrina Sadowska
Board of trustees

Inka Atassi
Board of trustees

Eilika Leibold

Fabian Obermeier

Virginia Eckleben
Office employee
En route to transition
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