The Netherlands, the Dutch Retraining Program for Professional Dancers/Stichting Omscholingsregeling Dansers (SOD)
SOD was founded in 1986 and supports dancers while they re-orient their careers.
The programme’s goals are to help dancers choose their second career, finance the necessary continuing education measures and to guarantee a certain standard of income.
The programme is financed by monthly payments from dancers and companies; in addition, from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Social Affairs and other organizations.
The programme includes personal career counseling, covering continuing education and study tuition, contributions to unemployment benefits on up to financial support for new businesses.
Contact: Paul Bronkhorst
phone +31 (0)20 551 33 52
Switzerland: Association for the Transition of Professional Dancers, (RDP)
The RDP was founded in 1993 and accompanies dancers during their careers and transition. Many times a year it offers workshops to prepare for transition, but also offers individual counseling. Financing professional coaching and legal advice all belong to its services.
Contact: Sarah Guillermin, Secrétaire générale
Email :
Tél.: + 41 – 78 – 878 5801
Centre National de la Danse (CND), France
Contact: Agnès Wasserman, Director
Tel .+33 – 1 – 42 74 58 61
Département des métiers
9, rue Geoffroy-Asnier
F – 75004 Paris
Dancers’ Career Development (DCD), Great Britain
With its specialized employees, the DCD offers confidential, psychological and personality-based career counseling, financial support and continuing education programmes for professional dancers in Great Britain as well as workshops for companies and schools. Continuing education programmes can take between a few months to over four years.
The oldest organization for career re-orientation for dancers was founded in 1973 as the Dancers’ Resettlement Fund with the objective of supporting dancers from big companies in Great Britain in their transition. In the mid-1980s, the Independent Dancers Trust was established for freelance dancers, musical and TV dancers. In the meantime, both have joined in the Dancers’ Career Development.
For dancers in the nine big companies, the companies pay the premiums for the dancers. For the rest, the trust takes over the fundraising. Since its founding, the DCD has supported well over a thousand dancers in their transitions.
A study from 2003 has shown that 93% of the dancers who started a new career with the support of the DCD’s continuing education programme still work in that new field.
Contact: Jessica Carter:
Tel: +44 – [0]20 7831 1449, fax: +44 – [0]20 7242 1462
Plouviez House
19-20 Hatton Place
London EC1N 8RU
United Kingdom
The Dancer Transition Resource Centre (DTRC) in Canada
In 1985, the former first soloist of the National Ballet of Canada, Joysanne Sidimus, founded the DTRC. It was preceded by a 9-month research period that gained information about dancers from the major companies and those working freelance in Canada, their social status and the demands on continuing education.
The DTRC supports professional dancers in their career re-orientation during and after their active dance career. The programme includes personal, career, legal, academic and financial counseling. It covers study and continuing education tuitions during and after the active dance career. Workshop and conferences are held on the subject of transition.
The programme is financed through monthly membership dues and state support.
The DTRC has supported over 9000 dancers since 1985.
Contact: Amanda Hancox – Executive Director
Tel: + 1 – 416 – 595 5655, fax: + 1 – 416 – 595 0009
The Linda Hamilton Centre
250 The Esplanade Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M5A 1J2, Canada
Career Transition For Dancers (CTFD), U.S.A
CTFD has its offices in New York and Los Angeles in the USA and offers an expansive programme of counseling for dancers during and after their active career. The programme includes a free counseling hotline and offers grants for continuing education, research and new businesses. The programme is financed exclusively by fundraising.
Since its founding in 1985, the CTFD has supported over 2900 dancers, among them 2600 dancers in 47 US states and Canada with approximately 35,000 hours of counseling.
Contact: Alexander J. Dubé – Executive Director
Tel :+ 1 – 212 – 764 0172
Fax: + 1 -212 – 764 0343
The Caroline & Theodore Newhouse
Center for Dancers
165 West 46th Street, Suite 701
New York 10036-2501
Dancers’ Career Development Center (DCDC), Korea
Contact: Kong, Hye-Young, Executive Director
Tel: +82 – 2 -720 6202, Fax. +82-2-720-6272
196-1 Myeongnyun-dong 4-ga, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-524
South Korea