The Foundation’s Objective
Support and the foundation’s objective
Dance is an important component of every society’s cultural life and an art form without language barriers. As mediators between cultures, Germany’s dance practitioners of all nationalities do a great service in solidifying and stabilizing a growing European community. Beyond all language barriers, artistic dance in all of its diversity represents the Federal Republic of Germany worldwide.
The objective of the foundation is to support education and upbringing, community and professional education as well as charitable goals in the field of artistic dance. The foundation exclusively and directly serves the non-profit objective of supporting dancers in their artistic development and potential during their education and career and, after their active dance career ends and during the move to a new occupation (transition), of supporting them ideally and materially with all appropriate means. This is considered a compensation for being cast by society in roles of national and international representation and as mediators between cultures.
The Stiftung TANZ – Transition Center Germany thus supports perspectives and the attraction of artistic dance careers for young talents, and offers a decisive contribution to artistic dance in Germany. It strengthens dance’s lobby and supports an increase in the societal appreciation of dance.
Please download the charter PDF here!