Berufsunfähigkeit durch Verletzung/Krankheit

Occupational Disability Due to Injury/ Illness

What do to in case of retirement for medical reasons?

The requirements for the receipt of means of support for future participation in the work life (LTA) such as retraining, professional development, support for integration or business start up funding from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German Pension Insurance – DRV, the BfA does not exist anymore!) are:

1. Without these support measures a pension for limited capability for gainful employment is due.
2. The LTA become necessary directly after the completion of medical rehabilitation, so that the rehabilitation can be successfully completed. Or –
3. A waiting time of 15 years has been concluded (for example the time during which national insurance contributions have been paid or during which pension entitlements have been acquired, i.e. parental benefits).

In Conclusion:

After the completion of a medical rehabilitation, dancers who have acquired the necessary medical certificates are eligible to receive support payments for future participation in the work life (LTA). In short this means that dancers who wish to retrain and who have already been prescribed a medical rehabilitation by their GP, which has been approved by their health insurance provider, should be allowed to begin their transition if they can prove that they are unable to work in their current profession. Medical consultants are able to rule that the employment as a dancer has become unacceptable for medical reasons. At the same time the final report should provide suggestions for the future participation in the work sector, which the DRV will be responsible for.

More information: tel. 0800 10 00 480 70

Important contact to the association tamed e.V. that offers counseling and support: Tanzmedizin tamed e.V.: tel.: 06151 – 3917 601,

Continuing education and rehabilitation with the Unfallkasse/ Berufsgenossenschaften

If an insured person can no longer work in his or her career as a result of an accident or illness, the Unfallkasse covers the measures for a professional rehabilitation. This is meant to put the insured person in a position to work in his or her earlier career or, if this is not possible, to work in a new career. The objective is to re-integrate the insured person into work life.

If the insured person cannot be re-integrated into work life without theoretical and practical training, then measures for career adaptation, continuing education, training and retraining are considered.
In the case of career adaptation, the insured person is usually introduced to an activity that requires certain skills and knowledge. As a rule, this adaptation is performed in close contact to the relevant business and not in a special training institution.
Continuing education is based on a previously held career. It is meant to enable the insured person a transition from a manual activity that as a result of the injury he or she can no longer perform, or only with great difficulty, to a position of leadership or a supervising position.
If the insured person had not yet worked in a career before his or her work-related accident, the Unfallkasse can, in certain circumstances, support education to gain a career in accordance with education regulations. The prerequisite for this is that the insured person can only be re-integrated into work life with this education programme alone. The education programme itself takes place in a career training facility or in a business, for example.
If the insured person can no longer work in his or her career because of the effects of the accident or illness, then under certain circumstances re-training for a different career can be the goal. This training occurs in full-time courses and, as a rule, takes up to two years.
Federal Unfallkasse: tel. 04421/407-407,
Unfallkasse Berlin: tel. 030/ 76 24 – 0,
As well as in all other Länder, please google.


Occupational accidents and diseases – 10 Questions

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